This is an honest-to-goodness phone conversation I had when calling a
dealership about a car:
me "Hi, do you still have the 1998 volvo station wagon with 91K miles on
your lot?"
guy "I'm the sales manager. Hold on, I will check."
... 5 minutes later...
guy "nope I guess that's been sold. It's not on the lot."
me "It's been sold for sure or is that a guess?"
guy "well I just went out into the parking lot and I don't see it so I
guess it's been sold."
me "Don't you have a database or something that you can check more
guy "Oh yeah, good idea. Hold on a minute."
... 5 minutes later...
guy "yep! You were right! I found it, someone just parked it somewhere
else! It's here if you want to see it."
Ok, I know I don't run a dealership but shouldn't the sales manager know
better than me where to look for the car???? AGGGHHH!